slowpoke & joe - adrift in seattle

A girl, an ontological dilemma and a puppy stumble through Seattle

Friday, April 14, 2006

Joe’s got a bone

Whenever I give Joe a fresh, meaty bone he is delighted. He dances about, his eyes alight in a way that no other object causes, not even dog food.

Then after he’s worked on getting the bits of meat and sinew off the thing, whenever I come near he hovers anxiously over the bone. He looks worried, as if I might realize that I’ve given away the most wonderful thing and reclaim it.

Every time I look over, I can’t help but to laugh at his greedy fearful expression. It reminds me of Gollum hissing about his precious. It’s the only time my easygoing, friendly puppy evinces any negativity. And it cracks me up.


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Mike said...

If Joe has some old long bones with the marrow eaten out, fill it up with peanut butter as a special treat. I used to love watching Bondi & Dougal holding up such bones between their paws, trying to get the peanut butter out.



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