slowpoke & joe - adrift in seattle

A girl, an ontological dilemma and a puppy stumble through Seattle

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The destructive omnivore

Joe, has suddenly and inexplicably developed a taste for generally unconsumable items: my rugby coat, my baseball cap, a tire tread, plastic grocery bags.

This comes essentially without warning. He's been able to safely be with household items up until this week. Nothing's changed except he's older, 9 months and 3 weeks. His schedule remains the same, he's home alone never longer than 5 hours and usually only 2-4 hours.

Nonetheless, his palate has evolved from bones, rawhide chews and kongs to more exotic fare - my clothing and tires.

And he doesn't seem to connect his stomach and excetory woes to his new eating habits. Everyday I've done a quick patrol to make sure no items are available for consumption, but like a gourmand, he simply expands his range.

Today, he pulled the plastic grocery bag out of the garbage, simply to enjoy it's delicate texture and for the frisson of ripping it into miniscule shreds. (Making it very hard to know exactly how much he ingested).

That mystery will, no doubt, be solved with tomorrow's yard work.


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